Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Week 14 Class Summary

This week in Technology for Teachers we talked about new course assessments and assignments that are due. All the submissions to date have been graded. If we did not get full credit for one of the assessments we can go back and view Professor Fryer's comments on how to correct our assignment. Then we can resubmit our assessment after our corrections were made to get full credit. Professor Fryer reminded us to turn on our comment moderation on our blogger accounts. He showed some examples of assignments that were submitted by fellow classmates. They included a voice thread, two Google Maps, a couple of blog reflections over videos, and an outsider's comment on a classmates blog. Next, we discussed our Pecha Kucha project. The presentations will take place this coming week as well as during finals week. We were then introduced to Synchronous Conferencing. Using Skype we were able to have a conversation with an international teacher in Bangkok, Thailand. His name was Jeff. He talked about the benefits of being an international teacher. One of my peers asked Jeff about the weather in Bangkok. We finished class filling out our course evaluations.

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