In-class overview of blogs and video
Q: Would this content be relevant in a classroom? What are the issues raised with historical videos like these?
A: The importance of these videos are to teach students to become critical thinking.
Steps of the Pecha Kutcha model presentation:
-The presentation will reflect upon the student, instructor, and the university. These will be posted on our blogs.
*Pick a topic – Will need 20 slides (20 seconds per slide) You will have 6:40 for the presentation pick something that you are interested in or enjoy
-Best presentations use large images, less text
*Select 20 images using your own photos,
compfight, or
flickrstorm ( for flickrstorm: click on 'advanced settings' – select 'photos for non-commercial use' – add images to the tray in flickrstorm – save all images into a new folder using “save picture as” right mouse click on image)
-Creating powerpoint with your saved images... go to 'insert' on the tabs and select 'photo album', it will allow you to upload the folder of images (saves time!)
-Saving the powerpoint... ‘save as’ under 97-2003 powerpoint presentation – use ppt file, no pptx (this is necessary for it to work properly in google docs)
-Upload in Google Documents when finished... Make sure you 'publish' your document – put on your blogger site (embedding the video and sharing the link for your google presentation) create new post and describe your Petcha Kutcha
**There is the option of presenting your googledoc presentation in class (week 14 or 15) OR you can record 20 second audio for each 20 slides using
Slideshare or
Voicethread and post on your blog.
This allows you to use a phone service and leave a voicemail creating an audio mp3 file. To break it down… you can use your phone to record, the website converts the voice recorded message into an mp3 file, and then this mp3 will appear on the site where you are given a link to download, play and pause the mp3. Awesome.
Friendly Reminder!
Official Homework Deadline - WEEK 15!
Study smart and good luck with finals!