Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week Eight Summary

William Harris
Jordan Hunter
Jamie Malone

In this weeks episode, We learned how to utilize chat rooms. Often, these sites are considered dangerous with all the predators online seeking vulnerable individuals. However, used the right way as we have learned, chat rooms can be a great tool in a teachers arsenal. What we did was set up a back channel to a private room.

We watched a video

JESS3 / The State of The Internet from JESS3 on Vimeo.

This gave us all kinds of facts about the internet. Did you know that Facebook needs 30,000 servers? Also, 148,000 zombie computers are created every day. A zombie computer deals with the hijacking of a computer in order to steal identities. These are comprised of Malware, Trojans, and Viruses. They can also be used to send out spam mail or cyber attacks.

We learned that whenever we speak into the microphone, we need to have the mouth piece off to the side and not directly in front of our face so that we can avoid those "C," "T," and "P" sounds.

Next, the class spent some time going over the copyright rules and saw "The Giving Tree."

It was a video that may not have used the copyright laws in accordance. We then learned some ways to correct this situation. First, look for Public Domain or homegrown photos. If that doesn't work, try sources such as Flikr and Compflight. Last, if the latter is unsuccessful, there is what is called fair use, which allows anybody to use the copyrighted material as long as it is used for critiquing, or a parody of the work.
Sometimes, it is easier to just ask the publisher for usage of copyrighted material.

Lastly, in this weeks discussion, we went over Google Earth. With this program, one can easily maneuver from taking a trip to the moon to search the depths of the ocean. Google Earth can also be used for flight simulations as well as view the entire world. This could be beneficial in that if a person is looking for a new residence, they can view the area and see where potential threats may live.